Gunbot Cloud Hosting

All about Gunbot NZ hosting services

Customers are often unsure about how to install the Gunbot software, configure it, maintain patching and the regular updates that come out. This coupled with ensuring the computer the software is installed on, is running on a 24*7 basis, all this can be a deterrent.

Gunbot NZ offers cloud hosting services for customers to make life simple and straight forward. We lease Virtual Private Servers (VPS) that are located in Singapore, Australia and Germany that offer the highest standard in security and availability. The servers are fully under my control with no other access to third parties or vendors. The devices have been hardened to make them 100% secure and safe for your instance of Gunbot.


If you are already a Gunbot user, I can migrate your instance into the cloud in less than 30 minutes. If you are a new customer, I can have a nice clean install ready for you in the same amount of time. Only you will have the GUI login details and the 2FA codes, Gunbot NZ or anyone else will not have access to your GUI/Gunbot. All communications between your browser and your Gunbot is over an encrypted channel (the same as your internet banking) to ensure your information remains private and secure.

Your Gunbot instance will not have to contend with other instances for processor or memory, in other words the servers will not be overloaded. Your access is limited to only your own instance of Gunbot.

As part of the service, you will also get up to two executable upgrades per month from the announcement channel. If a full version upgrade is needed (where a complete upgrade is required, not just the executable) this can also be carried out at no additional cost.

A full backup is also taken of your Gunbot instance once every 24 hours and held in secure off-site storage for a rolling 60 day period. If a restore to a point in time is required for your Gunbot instance there is no additional charge for this.

The servers that I use are security patched as a minimum on a monthly basis. The servers all have static IP addresses which means you can add IP whitelist to your API to increase security tenfold.

Pricing is based on per Gunbot instance and is 10 USDT per month on a rolling one-month agreement.

The below information is provided for those wanting more technically detail about this service.

The API you create and install on your instance of Gunbot must have only the read and trade boxes checked. No transfer or withdraw ability is permitted via your Gunbot instance, This greatly improves account security.

The Gunbot instance must have 2FA setup and only you as the owner have the 2FA codes so no-one other than yourself can access the GUI.

Your API’s while on Gunbot NZ servers are encrypted by default and this is done by the Gunbot application so there is no way for anyone to access unencrypted API keys from configuration files.

The servers are secured using a combination of firewalls and intrusion detection systems, they are also protected from DDoS attacks and are actively monitored.

The systems Gunbot NZ utilise are managed by the owner who has over 30 plus years’ experience in the IT security industry. This takes the worry away from security problems such as spyware, ransomware, keyloggers and viruses.

Happy to answer any other questions that you may have regarding this service.

Got a question? Ask away, I am happy to provide more details.

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